Tourist circuit qualified as being difficult. Distance: 39 km Elevation: 630 m (min altitude: 715; max altitude: 1270). Km 0: Departure from Mende, di...
595 km – 9,600 m of vertical drop (permanent hike labeled by the French Federation of Cyclotourism).
This tour, organized by the Cyclo Club Mendois, is open to everyone.
It will make you discover the magnificent department of Lozère through all its natural regions.
Duration of the trip: 6 days or more according to your own rhythm and according to the chosen formula.
Contact, Pierre LUSSON : 04 66 94 07 63 – tourlozere@cycloclubmendois.fr
More info by visiting the website of the Tour de Lozère Cyclo !
Distance: 396 km Organized by Cyclo Rando Alès en Cévennes.
Elevation: 6072 meters Contact: 06 26 26 14 30
National label N ° 312